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English Literacy Made Simple

One of New Zealand's

most successful

literacy programmes!

Need To Help Your Learner? Not Sure Where To Start?

Make learning easier and more fun with material suitable for all levels of learners! We are here to help parents, caregivers, teachers, and tutors to teach remedial or advanced reading, writing, and spelling. Help your learner gain the skills and confidence to last them a lifetime.

A Proven System That Really Works 

Help your learner to gain the skills to become a competent and fluent reader, a keen writer, and a successful speller. You can help improve their confidence and capabilities and increase the opportunities for their career and entire future.


The Reading and Spelling Made Simple programme helps learners with the three aspects of the English Language:


  1. Oral Language

    • Speaking, listening, and questioning.

  2. Reading

    • Decoding texts and finding meaning in what is read.

  3. Writing

    • Using their knowledge of the English language to express themselves in a meaningful way.

This is a proven method that has been used since the 1960's and continues to be used extensively today. It is especially good for learners who are struggling with the basics or struggling within the standard classroom environment.

Simplistikit Reading & Spelling Made Simple Book & Lettercase

Reading and Spelling Made Simple - NOW FULLY REVISED!

After selling over 20,000 sets of our key Reading and Spelling Made Simple programme, we have given it a refresh! The original red manual has been carefully and fully revised and split into four easy-to-follow, practical, and more learner-focused books.


Reading & Spelling Made Simple is a great step-by-step programme. It has been simplified for parents and caregivers, and is perfect for tutors and teachers needing a practical resource. Over 20,000 people agree with us!


We have included additional fun activities, ideas for resources you can make yourself, extra teaching notes, and hands-on learning, as well as full-colour illustrations throughout.
Click a book below to find out more about it!
Reading and Spelling Made Simple Teaching Guide
Reading and Spelling Made Simple Book 2
Reading and Spelling Made Simple Book Three

Other Books and Resources

We have other books, resources, games, and printables to help your child, student, or learner with their reading, writing, and spelling in a fun and interactive way. Discover our Preschool Literacy Made Simple book, which has proven very popular with parents, grandparents, caregivers and early childhood teachers.


We provide other learning resources and games that complement our books, including Sight Words Cards and Letter Dice to practice and reinforce new information with your learner in a fun and interactive way. We have also included some free resources including activities plus Testing and Assessment Sheets.


​Enjoy, look around, and explore something new. 

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